Location: Federal Reserve of the United States of America

Mission: Raise interest in US Dollars

Declassified Document: Official Statement from Some Random Guys in Suits and Sunglasses

That Work at the Federal Reserve:

“In accordance with our latest mission to raise interest in US Dollars, we have devised a plan proposal along with our partners, Vita Perfetta. We hatched this plan because the federal government told us that people weren’t interested in money, or something like that? I don’t know. I just know interest rates are low, and they want higher interest rates, so here we are.

In order to achieve our goal, we are now printing custom money with your face on it. We feel that people will be much more interested in money if they see their own faces on that money.

Vita Perfetta will be starting this process by taking people’s pictures at events, and then printing them directly onto money in place of where some old guys faces from history currently are.

People will enjoy this, they will post about it on the social media platforms, and then everyone will be interested in money again, hence raising interest rates.


-Sunglasses Guys from the Government”

*Your Face on Money by Vita Perfetta is not legal U.S. tender. Please don’t try to use it to buy things. Thank you.

*Includes only the first/top bill with your face on it.