
Whether you want to ride on a wacky raceway or hit aces on a tennis court, slash some evil beings or super smash the competition, Vita Perfetta’s Switch Party has something for everyone!

We will set up an ultra-large screen Nintendo Switch station at your event, allowing up to 4 players to join the fun at once!

Want even more? Double the fun with a second screen, allowing up to 8 players to play!

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never played a video game or if you’re a e-Sports champion; we can adjust the level of difficulty in each game, tailoring it to your comfort and skill level.

Choose from the below games:

Mario Kart
Super Smash Brothers
Mario Tennis Aces
1-2 Switch
Diablo 2
Rocket League

It’s time to switch on the fun, with a Vita Perfetta Switch Party!