A mustachioed man in a white undershirt, slacks, and suspenders stepped up onto an apple box in front of a packed crowd that had formed around him on the street.

“Step right up, and see the magic for yourself! I’m Mr. Mustachio, and this, is my magical photography booth!”

“ that?!” shouted a man in the crowd.

“Step right in here, and come see for yourself! Bring the Misses with ya too, hey!”

The man and his girlfriend hesitantly stepped up and walked into the booth. The took a seat on the bench as Mr. Mustachio closed the curtain. Inside, they found fun props! They started playing with the props, making funny faces, and having a total ball!

Suddenly, there was a gentle popping noise! The crowd gasped! And another, then another!

The couple jumped out of the booth!

“Hey, what’s the deal, funny man?! I’ll sue you back to the 18 th century, see!”

Just then, a strip of photographs of the couple from the booth gently printed out.

“Your photographs, good sir!”

“Wow! Look at us! They’re like pictures…but so realistic!” exclaimed the girlfriend.

“Exactly right!”

In today’s world, a classic photo booth isn’t exactly magic, but it’s magical how much fun they!

Take it back to the old school with Vita Perfetta’s Classic Photo Booth! Choose your props and your photo strip frame options for printing, then prepare to get silly! We can also customize your photo backgrounds with custom themes and color correction for even more classic fun!

Give the classics some props, with Vita Perfetta’s Classic Photo Booth!